Hi everybody!
I like Sheep and sci-fi!

Age 19, Guy

Art and joy


Joined on 1/6/24

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A little experiment

Posted by MaxKrullenbol - January 6th, 2024

A little bit on my art. I actually, I never really was an artist for the longest time. I have performance anxiety, due to issues from my past causing me to be quite the perfectionist. There's a lot of things I want to do, that sound like a lot of fun, that I might not do when I get scared of starting.

It took a lot of encouragement to actually start to create, I've been kind of afraid of making this account as well. I've been wanting to explore the things I actually enjoy doing and I've been trying to find the specific things that I enjoy the most since I don't really know myself that well.

My goal for this new year is to do, but allowing time to react it's sands on my patience during these spurts of experimentation.

I've been looking into writing actually, but I used to get scared of the specifics or getting judged. I now think that it's good to make these types of mistakes more often as to know what I do not like as well.

All I really want is to have an idea of a personality I can portray myself as, but that chase has not garnered anything fruitful. I think it's better to understand myself in this trial and error type of way. I think about this a lot.

My art journey so far has been really sluggish because of this. I really like art, and my friends who encourage me. I am still not confident in it or anything. It honestly doesn't even feel right doing it yet, as if I'm wasting my time, but it's fine for now. It's honestly just an experiment.



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